What Is God's Name?


I will praise
the name of The Elohim
with a song!
And I will magnify Him
 with thanksgiving. 
Psalm 69.30

  • Who and what is “God"?
  • What do you mean when you use this term?
  • What does someone else mean when they use this term?
  • How do you understand what they mean?
  • How do you praise His Name or worship it
    if you don't know what it is?
  • Is your "God" the same as The God of Scripture?

There’s great confusion in the world today about “God”. Many refer to "God". But which 'god" are they talking about? Many claim "God" as their “Supreme Being” – but…In human history there are thousands of references to hundreds of different ‘gods' and ‘goddesses’.
(Note: These are false ‘gods’. They do not actually exist. They cannot speak, listen, or do anything.
They are “no gods", non-existent entities, creations of men’s minds)
Some of their names are familiar, and some are not. Some of the names are mere variations of the original.
But somewhere each “god” or "goddess" has
a specific name by which they are known.
Otherwise how would you know which god or goddess you were talking about?
They're associated with rites of fertility, war, success, etc.
They're named after stars and constellations, animals, etc.
But they are NOT creators of anything!

Because of the common reference to "God" today it's increasingly difficult to know if two people are actually referring to the same "deity" when they speak. For example, many don't understand that the "god" of Islam is not the same as "The God of Yisra’el” (traditionally, Israel). Neither are the gods of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Satanism, etc. They are all "gods" of other religious "faiths" or systems of belief.

It's crucial to know who or what you believe in and worship.
Otherwise, what's the point?
The nature and character of your "god" affects everything you do in relation to that "god".
If you worship a particular "god" then you'd better know what that “god" stands for
and why you're committed to that one instead of a different one.

Here are a few questions to help you consider this:

  • Do you know the specific personal name of your god, or goddess?
  • Do you know what their specific nature is
    - what is their real character?
    - what do they represent?
  • What do they offer to you in return for your "worship" of them?
  • Are they capable of actually providing what you seek?
  • How do you know you can trust them?
  • What do they require from you as part of your "worship"?
  • Is the one you call "God" truly The God of Yisra’el (Israel),
    The God of Abraham, Yitzhak (Isaac), and Ya’akob (Jacob)?

This is a vitally important subject.
Your personal convictions affect everything you think, say, or do.
It's essential that you understand as much as possible about whatever deity you claim as your own.
Failure to have this kind of understanding will result in ultimate failure of your relationship with that deity.

It is absolutely astonishing that most of the very people
who claim to worship and adore the Judeo-Christian "God" as their “God”
have no idea what His personal Name is.

He has a unique and special personal Name.
That Name is deeply connected to His character, to His very nature.
We're told to worship in His Name, praise His Name, keep His Name set apart, honor and bless His Name, etc. 
But how can you really do these things if you don’t even know what His N
ame is?

His personal name is YAHWEH.
It's given to us in the Hebrew text of
Exodus 3:14-16.
However, it's not given in most English Bible translations.
This is a great travesty! It ought not be so!
Worse yet, His Name has been intentionally left out of many modern Bible “translations”
and replaced with various substitutions.

Please read the rest of this article,
but understand that ALL of this has been CORRECTED on THiS website!
You now have access to
The Aleph-Tav Bible in PDF form for a FREE DOWNLOAD.
It HAS God’s Name, AND The Messiah’s proper Hebrew Name where they belong in the text.
Use this link to get your FREE copy: Aleph-Tav Bible
Happy reading!

TWENTY THREE TIMES in The Old Covenant YAHWEH declares His Name
- in The Hebrew text, NOT in your Bible!
Here is the list showing where they occur in
The Aleph-Tav Bible:

Gen. 28:13 And behold!
YAHWEH was standing above it.
And He said, “I am YAHWEH,
The Elohim of Abraham, your forefather,
and The Elohim of Yitzhak.
The land on which you yourself את are lying,
to you I will give it, and to your seed.

Ex. 6:2 And The Elohim spoke to Moshe.
And He said to him, I am YAHWEH!

Ex. 6:6 For this reason
say to the children of Yisra’el,
And I will bring out you yourselves את
from under the burdens of the Mitsraites!
And I will snatch away you yourselves את
from their work!
And I will redeem you yourselves את
with an arm stretched out
and with great judgments!

Ex. 6:8 And I will bring you yourselves את
to the land of which
I have lifted in oath My hand itself את
to give to they themselves את,
to Abraham,
to Yitzhak,
and to Ya’akob,
to give it itself את to you as an inheritance.
I am YAHWEH! ’ ”

Ex. 6:29 And YAHWEH spoke to Moshe saying,
Speak to Pharaoh, king of Mitsraim,
everything itself את that I am saying to you.”

Ex. 7:5 And the Mitsraites will know
that I am YAHWEH,
in My stretching forth
My hand itself את over Mitsraim.
And I will bring out
the children of Yisra’el themselves את
from the midst of them.”

Ex. 7:17 YAHWEH has said thus:
“According to this you will know
that I am YAHWEH!”
I myself am striking
with the staff that is in my hand
upon the waters which are in The Nile.
And they will be turned to blood.

Ex. 10:2 and in order that you can recount
in the ears of your son and your son’s son
that itself את which I have accomplished
in Mitsraim
and My signs themselves את
which I have placed on them.

And you will know that I am YAHWEH!”

Ex. 12:12 And I will pass over the land of Mitsraim
on that night.
And I will smite all the firstborn
in the land of Mitsraim,
from a human being to an animal.

And on all the gods of Mitsraim
I will accomplish judgment!


Ex. 14:4 And I Myself את, YAHWEH, will strengthen
the heart itself את of Pharaoh.
And he will pursue after them.

But I will be honored on account of Pharaoh
and on account of all his might.
And the Mitsraites will know
that I am YAHWEH.”

And they did accordingly.

Ex. 14:18 And the Mitsraites will know
that I am YAHWEH
in My being honored
on account of Pharaoh,
on account of his chariots,
and on account of his horsemen.”

Ex. 16:12 “I have listened attentively
to the complaints themselves את
of the children of Yisra’el.
Speak to them saying,
‘Between the evenings you will eat flesh,
and in the morning you are to be filled
to satisfaction with food.

And you will know 
that I am YAHWEH, your Elohim.
‘ ”

Lev. 19:34 As the native born among you
he is to be to you,
the stranger who dwells
with you yourself את.
And you are to love him
as you love yourself.

Indeed, you were strangers
in the land of Mitsraim.

I am YAHWEH your Elohim!

Deut. 5:6 I am YAHWEH, your Elohim,
Who brought you out
from the land of Mitsraim,
from the house of bondage.

Is. 43:11 I, I am YAHWEH!
And apart from Me there is no deliverer!

Is. 43:15 I am YAHWEH,
your Set Apart One,
The One creating Yisra’el,
your King!”

Is. 45:18 Indeed, thus said YAHWEH,
The One creating the skies,
He is The Elohim,
forming the earth and making it!
He established it!
He did not create it as a desolation.
He fashioned it to be inhabited.
and there is no other!

Is. 51:15 But I am YAHWEH, your Elohim,
stirring up the sea and the roaring of its waves.
YAHWEH of Assemblies is His designation!

Ezek. 36:23 And I will set apart
My great Name itself את
that is being been defiled
among the nations,
which you have defiled in their midst!

And the nations will know.
that I am YAHWEH
- An Utterance of my Sovereign, YAHWEH. -
when I am set apart among you
for the sake of their eyes!

Hos. 13:4 But I am YAHWEH,
your Elohim from the land of Mitsraim!
And gods other than Me
you are not to know!

Indeed, there is no deliverer except Me!

Joel 2:27 And you will know
that I am in the midst of Yisra’el,
I Myself,
and that I am YAHWEH, your Elohim
and there is no other!
And My people
will not be put to shame to eternity!

Psa. 50:7 “Listen attentively, My people!
Even I will speak, Yisra’el!
And I testify among you!
I am YAHWEH, your Elohim!

Psa. 81:10  (H81:11)
I am YAHWEH, your Elohim,
The One causing you to come up
from the land of Mitsraim!
Cause your mouth to open wide!
Then I will fill it.”

There are more places where He declares His Name.

What’s above is only one way in which He declares it to us.

What’s in a Name?

There are books written about “the names of God”.
Virtually every one of them is wrong!
God does not have many names.
He has many titles, or designations, but not many names.
When you carefully examine these so-called “names”
you very quickly discover they are really not “names” at all.

Most references to Him are actually made by means of His titles, or His attributes.
This is like calling everyone you encounter by their titles
- Mister, Miss, Ms, Mrs. Sir, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Mother, Father, Cousin, etc.
- without making any reference to their personal name. 

Just how far would you get doing this on a daily basis? How many people would respond to you if you never used their personal name? How would people know to whom you were speaking? You would eliminate the uniqueness attached to each person. 
There would be no clarity in your speech.

Sadly, this is precisely what most people do as they speak to, or about, “God”. Many don’t seem to even know which “god” they are speaking about. They don’t know His character, His nature, His teachings, His desires, etc. And many do not know what "god" they really believe in. They just want some kind of help for a problem they’re dealing with. They don’t know where else to turn, so they cry out to “God”, "The Man Upstairs", "The Big Guy in The Sky" etc., just hoping for some kind of response.
And they wonder and complain when they get none.

A Muslim cleric from Lebanon was on a news program. He was discussing “God”, (the captions had it capitalized exactly this way). He was justifying the actions of some other Muslims by using the term “God”. They were portrayed as acting on “God’s" behalf. They were among those who are willing to kill themselves and others as a “duty” to “God”.
The "God" he was referring to was "Allah”.  
This is absolutely not the "God" of Yisra’el (Israel).
This is not the same “God” I believe in, worship, pray to, hope in, etc.
And I am deeply opposed to the idea of having my “God” even remotely associated with this Muslim “God”, or any other so-called “god”. They are not the same, and never will be.

name of my “God” is YAHWEH!

We've reached a crucial point in world history. We have millions of people believing in gods that are not gods at all.
Allah is the corrupt invention of one man, Mohammed. 
He was Hebrew by birth, a “Jew”.
He stole many ideas about Allah (The Moon God) 
from the Hebrew traditions he learned as a youth.
He created this new “god”, even claiming it to be The God of Abraham, Yitzhak (Isaac), and Ya'akov (Jacob).
He most certainly is not.

Allah is not, was not, and never can be the same as The God of Abraham, Yitzhak (Isaac), and Ya’akob (Jacob). He did not “exist” until long after these men were dead. So how could he be their “god”? He is the fictional creation of a delusional man.
Allah is not a real “god” at all.

There are gods of wood, stone, and metal, and every other material you can think of. There are gods that are rivers, cows, or birds, rain, etc. The Egyptians worshipped the dung beetle along with many other gods. The Philistines worshipped golden hemorrhoids. Countless nations worship the sun, the moon, or the stars. There are others that are of a mere mental construct,
a fiction of someone’s imagination. It's been said that you become like the "god" you worship. That could prove catastrophic.

These "gods" have no life in them, no breath in them, no ability in them to do or to be anything except what their very essence allows. They are made of wood, stone, precious metals, etc. They cannot speak, hear, or move. They can do nothing at all except sit in one place. Often, there are many different copies of the same "god". They're supposed to represent that “god" but they are mere copies and not “gods" at all. 

The gods of ancient Greece were mythical heroes, every one of them a mere fiction. They never existed.
Yet strangely, many can clearly remember their names. 

Interestingly, even the Greeks had a place for “the unknown god”. Paul, Sha’ul, was able to teach them some things about who this unknown god really is – the God of Yisra’el, the God of Scripture. He is the living God, the One who has life in Himself.
He is the one who created all that exists, and sustains it every moment. Paul taught them His Name.

Many people still worship this “unknown god”. To them He’s just “God”. His personal Name is virtually unknown to them.
That’s tragic. 

His Name has been “stolen” from history, edited out of the historical record at many points.
Most crucially, His Name has been edited out of His own Word to His people - The Torah, The Scriptures, The Bible.
In its place we are given "surrogates", replacements, substitutions!
This is despicable!

How has this happened?
It’s been done primarily through the use of the “traditions of men”.
Tradition has declared His name to be “ineffable”; too sublime and too sacred to even mention it.
Proscriptions were established against using it under the guise of some claim that it was being “protected”.

Seriously, do you truly believe The God of all creation, the One who spoke everything into existence, needs anyone to protect His Name? Who are you kidding? He’s all-powerful, all-knowing, all-mighty, eternal, glorious, supreme above all else. Who is going to prevent Him from protecting His own Name? He is certainly capable of doing that all by Himself, if indeed He wants it protected.
This fiction is the creation of man’s traditions. It’s not His desire at all.

Quite contrary to man’s traditions He has declared what His personal name is and how it is to be treated. There are numerous Scriptures dealing with these matters if you choose to look for them. The revelations that come when you do this are astounding
when compared to the absence of His Name among the very people who claim to worship and honor and serve Him.

But lets’ bring this down to a practical level. If you're going to present an honor to someone, perhaps in the form of a plaque or a trophy, will you just put their title on it, without putting their name on it? Surely you’d never be so rude and unthinking as to do such a thing to someone to whom you wanted to give a special honor. Yet this is exactly what we do when we refer to God without using His personal Name. We show Him virtually no honor. We dishonor His Name,
thereby "taking it in vain" (as an empty or worthless thing).

Here’s the essence of the problem:
How can you worship Him “in His Name”?
How can you serve “in His Name”?
How can you pray “in His Name”?
How can you teach “in His Name”?
How can you baptize “in his Name”?
How can you heal “in his Name”?
How can you bring others to salvation “in His Name”?
how can you do anything “in His Name”?

The Meaning of a Name   

In the Hebrew culture one’s name identified the nature, personality, and/or purpose of the person.
It represented their character, their authority, and their identity.
To the Hebrews the name, in essence, was the person. If the name was there they considered the person associated with the name to be there also, in some sense at least, even though they might be physically miles away. The name and the person were inseparable. It's as if without a name they didn’t really exist.

This perspective is essential for one seeking to understand The Word of YAHWEH. The prime examples are The Tent of Appointment (Tabernacle) and The Temple. As long as YAHWEH’s Name was there it was believed His presence was there.
If another name was placed upon The Temple it was no longer seen as the “House of
YAHWEH”. It belonged to someone else. 

This actually happened at certain points in the history of the nation of Yisra’el. It’s recorded in Scripture. The name of another “god” was put upon this building, and it desecrated The God of Yisra’el because it removed His Name.
He was no longer considered as being in residence there.
The new "god" was now in residence in the Temple.

God Is A Victim of Identity Theft

Now we come to the real heart of the problem for the Christian and Jewish" communities.
The personal name of “God” (G-d, or Adonay, The LORD, etc.)
has been
removed from His Word.
 This desecrates His sacred Name!

In its place there are multiple substitutes.
We’ve been told they are His “names” yet virtually all of them are mere
titles, designations.
They are not names at all.
Several of them are actually names of places and not names of “God”.

Perhaps you can understand this better if you consider the basic problem with identity theft today. Someone steals the name of another and perpetrates fraud by using that name as if it were their own name. In essence, they replace their own name with that of another. It’s a substitute name. It’s not real. Then they use that substitute and try to convince others this is their real name. 
And they steal the “authority” of that person by using “the other person’s name”.

This is virtually identical to what has happened with the personal Name of God. A substitute “name” has been put in place of the real thing. In this case, it’s not even a name at all; it’s a title. 

I think you get the basic idea. Someone misrepresents something as being the personal name of God – and perpetrates fraud upon countless unsuspecting persons. This action brings dishonor upon God’s Name just as identity theft brings dishonor
upon the person whose name has been stolen and misrepresented.

Because of the information to be presented next it’s essential to identify God’s personal Name.
His personal name is YAHWEH.
It will be used in the comments that follow. The information on where this is found and its significance will be noted.

Listed below are some of the terms that are often used as God’s “names”.
These are treated as names based on the traditions of men.
The definitions of these terms from Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance are included so you can see for yourself what they mean. You can verify this information as well by checking other reference books that carry virtually the same information.

Note: In Strong's Concordance definitions everything after the (: --) is a word showing how this term is actually translated
in the King James Version of The Bible.
It is NOT part of the definition. 
And, it is not always “correct”.

His Name is not “God”

Total words translated as “God” in the KJV Bible = 4444.
Total number of
different words thus translated – 13 Hebrew, 16 Greek.
Insertions – 66. The word was inserted into the text with no word in the original text to provide a basis for it. 

Not all of them mean “God”.
Not all of them are applied to “God”.
Only 308 are directly connected to His personal Name. Each of them is mis-translated. (More on this in a moment.)

H3068 Yhwh  hDwøh◊y = 4
    H3068. hDwøh◊y Yhwh; from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; name of God:
     — the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.

H3069 Yhwh  hIwøh◊y = 304

3069. hIwøh◊y Yhwh; a variation of 3068 (used after 136, and pronounced as 430, in order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since elsewhere 3068 is pronounced as 136):
— God.
yÎnOdSa }Adonay, ad-o-noy´; am emphatic form of 113; the Lord (used as a proper name of God only):
—(my) Lord.
(This is not a proper name of God. Strong is in error on this.)
113. NwødDa }adown, aw-done´; or (shortened) NOdDa }adon, aw-done´; from an unused root (meaning to rule); sovereign, i.e. controller (human or divine):
 —lord, master, owner. Compare also names beginning with “Adoni-”.
. MyIhølTa }elohiym, el-o-heem´; plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: —angels, x exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), x (very) great, judges, x mighty. 

Note:  Pay special attention to the definition given in #3069. When it's used with #136 it’s pronounced as #430
not as it should be pronounced normally, but for a specific reason that’s based only on “the traditions of men”.
Otherwise, it’s pronounced as #136, Adonay. Does this not seem odd? Why would you pronounce a term as something different
if deception is not involved? Read the definitions given for numbers 136, 113, and 430. You will immediately see there’s a real problem here. 

His Name is not “The Lord”, or "The LORD"

Total words translated as “Lord” in the KJV Bible - 7,836.
Total number of different words thus translated -
9 Hebrew, 5 Greek.
Insertions – 17. The word was inserted into the text with no word in the original text to provide a basis for it.

Not all of them mean “god”.
Not all of them are applied to “God”.
Only two of these are directly related to His personal Name.
Both are mis-translated
(See His Name is not God above).

H3068 Yhwh  hDwøh◊y (variant)
3068. hDwøh◊y Yhwh; from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; name of God:
                       — the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.

           H3069 Yhwh  hIwøh◊y = 1
            H3069. hIwøh◊y Yhwh; a variation of 3068 (used after 136, and pronounced as
                        430, in 
order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since
                        elsewhere 3068 is pronounced as 136):

His name is not Jehovah

Jehovah is a perversion of His Name with a very long history that reveals it is a total fabrication. To begin with, the letter J was never part of the Hebrew language. In fact, it didn’t even exist in any language until about 500 years ago. (See Letter “J”
There are countless articles in numerous books, dictionaries, lexicons, concordances, etc. that confirm the false nature of this term as the name of God.

The compound names often used in connection with Jehovah are also not names of God. In most cases they are not even titles for Him, but rather are names of places. For more information please see Jehovah - Wrong from the Start.

His Name is not Elohim

The very first verse of Scripture states:

Gen. 1:1  In the beginning The Elohim created the skies themselves  את  and the earth itself.  את.

These opening words may lead one to believe that "The Elohim" is the name of the Creator. However, this term is not a name. It's used of any so-called “deity". It's a title, or description - a designation - but it is not a name. It means mighty, or mighty one.
Perhaps “mightiest” is more accurate. It comes from a root that means deity.

Given below are the definitions from Strong’s Hebrew Concordance that pertain to these terms.
You can see for yourself the meanings attributed to them.

430. MyIhølTa }elohiym, el-o-heem´; plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative:
angels, x exceeding, God (gods)(-dess, -ly), x (very) great, judges, x mighty.

433. ;AhwølTa }elowahh, el-o´-ah; rarely (shortened) ;AhølTa }eloahh, el-o´-ah} probably prolonged (emphat.) from 410; a deity or the Deity:
—God, god. See 430.

410. lEa }el, ale; shortened from 352; strength; as adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): —God (god), x goodly, x great, idol, might(-y one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.”

352. lˆyAa }ayil, ah´-yil; from the same as 193; properly, strength; hence, anything strong; specifically a chief (politically); also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support); an oak or other strong tree:
—mighty (man), lintel, oak, post, ram, tree.

In the very beginning it was not necessary to discriminate which “mighty one” was intended because there was only one.
Yet even before man was created and placed within the creation it’s clear that there was a need to identify more fully who this was.

Gen. 2:4 

These are the generations of the skies and the earth,
in their being created 
in the day of
YAHWEH, The Elohim's making
of earth and skies. 

Most of you, when you pick up your Bible and read this verse will find something like this: “the LORD God”. You need to understand that this is not what the original text contained. Because of teachings based upon human tradition,
and not upon the Word of YAHWEH, men replaced the Hebrew, YAHWEH, The Elohim's - My™IhølTa h¶Dwh◊y,
with the words “the LORD God”.

This was done under the pretext of “honoring” YAHWEH by refusing to allow His personal Name to be spoken,
among other things. But, I repeat, this actually dishonors YAHWEH by removing His personal Name from His Word,
making it very difficult for His people to know His truth.
Here’s a glimpse of what was done:

The Jewish Encyclopedia (p. 203) states (emphasis added):

from a reverential feeling that the Name ought not to be pronounced except with consecrated lips and to consecrated ears, the substitute ‘Lord’ came into use.” It then goes on to add: 1) Yet this simple measure, introduced to guard the Name against profane use, formed one of the most powerful means of securing to the Biblical God the universal character with which He is invested as the Lord of Hosts and the Ruler of men and nations. YHWH, as the God of Israel, might still be taken as a tribal God; The Lord is no longer the God of one people; He is Lord of all the world, the Only One.

Ancient Greek translators, following this lead, substituted the name Yahweh with kyrios (Lord) and theos (deity) in both the Septuagint and New Testament books. Subsequent Latin versions, like the Vulgate, followed suit, replacing Yahweh with Dominus (Lord).

From the Revised Standard Version we read:

“…the use of any proper name for the one and only God, as though there were other gods from whom He had to be distinguished, was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.”
RSV, p. vii

What’s vitally important is that
this is a perversion, an alteration, of the Word of YAHWEH.
Scripture strictly forbids this practice.
will not treat this offence lightly. 
The following Scriptures reveal His intent in this regard.

Ex. 20:7 You are not to lift up the Name of YAHWEH itself את,
 your Elohim, for the sake of emptiness
YAHWEH will not cause to be undefiled
whoever lifts up His Name itself  
את  for the sake of emptiness.

Deut. 4:2 You are not to add to the Word
which I am giving as directions to you yourselves  את.
And you are not to take away from it,
for the sake of protecting the directives themselves  
of YAHWEH, your Elohim, which I am giving as directions
to you yourselves 

Deut. 5:22  These Words themselves את  YAHWEH spoke 
to your entire assembly at the mountain 
from the midst of the fire, the cloud, and the gloom, 
with a loud voice.  
And He added nothing. 

And He wrote them on two tablets of stone.
And He gave them to me.

Deut. 12:32  All the words themselves את
which I am giving as direction to you yourselves את,
they themselves את  you are to protect for the sake of doing! 
You are not to add to it! 
And you are not to take away from it!

Prov. 30:6  Add not to His words
lest he reprove you 
and you be found a liar. 

Eccl. 3:14  I know that everything
which The Elohim does,
it will exist to eternity. 
Concerning it nothing is to be added!
And from it nothing is to be subtracted! 

And The Elohim has done 
that which is to be revered 
because it is before His face.

Mal. 3:6 “Indeed I, YAHWEH, do not change.” 

Rev. 22:18-19 Indeed I testify to everyone who is listening 
to the words of the prophecy of this book: 
If anyone adds to these things, 
YAHWEH will add to him the calamities 
that are written in this book. 
22:19 And if anyone takes away from the words 
of the book of this prophecy 
YAHWEH will take away his part from The Book of Life, 
from The Holy City, and away from the things 
which are written in this book.

Note: This is the final book of the Scriptures.
It could be understood that this refers to the entire Scripture record.

The Personal Name of The Creator

There is one particular passage where The Elohim (God) declares specifically and unequivocally
what His personal Name is.
This passage is the most important of all for identifying this personal Name,
but it’s not the only passage that does so. 

Ex. 3.15  And The Elohim said more to Moshe. 
“Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra
YAHWEH, The Elohim of your fathers, 
The Elohim of Abraham, 
The Elohim of Yitzhak, 
and The Elohim of Ya
has sent me to you. 
This is My NAME forever! 
And this is My mark of identification 
from generation to generation.’

Here’s what the Hebrew terms mean.
Memorial - 2143. rRk´z zeker, zay´-ker; or rRk‰Rz zeker, zeh´-ker; from 2142;
a memento, abstr. recollection (rarely if ever); by implication, commemoration:
—memorial, memory, remembrance, scent.

2142. rAkÎz zakar, zaw-kar´; a primitive root; properly, to mark (so as to be recognized),
i.e. to remember
; by implication, to mention; also (as denominative from 2145) to be male:
— x burn (incense), x earnestly, be male, (make) mention (of), be mindful, recount, record(-er), remember, make to be remembered, bring (call, come, keep, put) to (in) remembrance, x still, think on, x well.

 YHWH - 3068. hDwøh◊y Yhwh; from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; name of God:
— the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.

3069. hIwøh◊y Yhwh; a variation of 3068 (used after 136, and pronounced as 430, in order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since elsewhere 3068 is pronounced as 136):

This is very clear.
There is no doubt or confusion.
God has a personal Name. It is YAHWEH.
It is His Name FOREVER!
It is His “memorial” unto ALL generations – past, present, and future.

Note: For a more complete explanation of this passage please refer to Exodus 3. 13-15
and the accompanying notes in
The Aleph-Tav Bible. Space does not permit a full discussion here.

The following is from The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary comments: (p. 425) (Emphasis added) 

God’s self-revelation in history is underscored by the giving of his name,
in Semitic thought tantamount to disclosure of his true character. 

This dictionary adds: (p. 747) 

The name conveys the authority of the person even when absent. To speak or act in another’s name is to participate in that person’s authority (1 Sam. 17:45; 25:9; Acts 4:7). The principle is that of prophecy and revelation (Exod. 3:13–14; Deut. 18:19; John 5:43). God’s name reveals his character and salvation in which people may take refuge (Ps. 20:1 [MT 2]; cf. Isa. 25:1; 56:6); to treat God’s name as empty is to despise his person (Exod. 20:7).  

Listed below are some additional passages that speak of His personal name: 

Ex. 15:3 YAHWEH is a man of battle.
YAHWEH is his Name.

Prov. 30:4 Who has ascended up into The Heaven, or descended? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His son’s name, if you can tell? 

Is. 42:8 I Myself am YAHWEH
That is My Name!
And My honor will I not give to another,
nor My praise to idols!

Is. 43:15 "I am YAHWEH, your Set Apart One, 
the creator of Yisra’el, your King!" 
(Corrected translation)

Is. 44:6-8 Thus said YAHWEH, King of Yisrael,
and his Redeemer, YAHWEH of Assemblies
‘I Myself am The First 
and I Myself am The Last! 
And apart from Me there is no Elohim! 
7 And who is like Me? 
Let him call!
And let him declare it! 
And let him set it in order for Me 
from My appointing of people of eternity past, 
even to what is to come. 
And what will come, 
let them declare concerning these. 
8 You are not to be terrified! 
And you are not to fear! 
Have I not from that time caused you to hear
and declared it?
And You yourselves את are My witnesses! 
Is there an Eloah apart from Me 
and not The Rock?
I have known none!’ ”

6697. r…wx tsuwr, tsoor; or rUx tsur, tsoor; from 6696; properly,
a cliff (or sharp rock, as compressed);
generally, a rock or
; figuratively, a refuge; also an edge (as precipitous): 
—edge, x (mighty) God (one), rock, x sharp, stone, x strength, x strong. See also 1049.

6696. r…wx tsuwr, tsoor; a primitive root; to cramp, i.e. confine
(in many applications, literally and figuratively, formative or hostile):
 —adversary, assault, beset, besiege, bind (up), cast, distress, fashion, fortify, inclose, lay siege, put up in bags.

Note: The reference to the Rock is a powerful theme in Scripture.
It is used often to refer to
Many times the concept is connected to protection, to fortresses, etc. 

Is. 45:5-7 I Myself am YAHWEH
And there is no other! 
There is no Elohim apart from Me! 
I will gird you though you have not known Me 
6 in order that they will know 
from the rising of the sun to its setting 
that there is none apart from Me! 
I Myself am YAHWEH 
and there is no other, 
7 forming light and creating darkness, 
making peace and creating harm. 
I Myself,
YAHWEH, am doing all these!’

Note: “none else” is repeated twice
– a confirmation of the meaning, a provision of two witnesses to the Truth.

none - 369. NˆyAa }ayin, ah´-yin; as if from a primitive root
meaning to be nothing or not exist; a non-entity
; generally used as a negative particle:
—else, except, fail, (father-)less, be gone, in(-curable), neither, never, no (where), none, nor, (any, thing), not, nothing, to nought, past, un(-searchable), well-nigh, without. Compare 370. 

else - 5749. d…wo {uwd, ood; a primitive root; to duplicate or repeat; by implication, to protest, testify (as by reiteration); intensively, to encompass, restore (as a sort of reduplication):
—admonish, charge, earnestly, lift up, protest, call (take) to record, relieve, rob, solemnly, stand upright, testify, give warning, (bear, call to, give, take to) witness. 

5750. dwøo {owd, ode; or dOo {od, ode; from 5749; properly, iteration or continuance;
 used only adverbially (with or without preposition), again, repeatedly, still, more:
—again, x all life long, at all, besides, but, else, further(-more), henceforth, (any) longer, (any) more(-over), x once, since, (be) still, when, (good, the) while (having being), (as, because, whether, while) yet (within). 

Is. 45:21-23 Declare and bring it near! 
Indeed let them take counsel together. 
Who has caused this to be heard from ancient times, 
From that time declared it? 
Is it not I Myself,
and not another elohim apart from Me, 
a just El and a deliverer? 
There is none apart from Me! 
Face toward Me and be delivered, 
all you extremities of the earth, 
because I Myself am The El! 
And there is no other! 
23 By Myself I have sworn! 
A just word has gone out of My mouth! 
And it will not return, 
because to Me every knee will bend, 
every tongue will swear!

410. lEa }el, ale; shortened from 352; strength; as adjective, mighty;
especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity
- God (god), x goodly, x great, idol, might(-y one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.” 

3467. oÅvÎy yasha{, yaw-shah´; a primitive root; properly, to be open, wide or free, i.e. (by implication) to be safe; causatively, to free or succor:
—x at all, avenging, defend, deliver(-er), help, preserve, rescue, be safe, bring (having) salvation, save(-ior), get victory. 

Is. 46:9 Remember the former events of eternity past! 
Indeed I am The El and there is no other, 
The Elohim, and there is nothing resembling Me, 
10 declaring the last from the first, 
and from former times what has not been done saying, 
‘My counsel stands
And all My desire I will do,’

Is. 48:12 Listen attentively to Me, 
Ya'akob, and Yisra'el, My called! 
I Myself am He! 
I Myself am the First! 
I Myself am also the Last!

Is. 48:17 Thus said YAHWEH, your Redeemer, 
The Set apart One of Yisrael, 
“I Myself am YAHWEH, your Elohim
teaching you to benefit, 
leading you on the way you are to go!

Is. 49:26 And I will cause to consume their flesh itself את
those themselves את who are oppressing you
And like wine their blood they will drink. 
All flesh will know that I Myself,
am your Savior and your Redeemer, 
The Mighty One of Ya'akov!”

Amos 5:8  The One making Pleiades and Orion,
and the One turning the shadow of death into dawn
and causing the day to be dark at dusk,
the One calling for the waters of the sea
and pouring them out on the face of the earth,
YAHWEH is His Name,

Amos 9:6  The One building His steps in The Heavens, 
and His troops have laid the foundation on the earth,
The One Who calls for the waters of the sea
and pours them out on the face of the earth…
YAHWEH is His Name!

Note: The New Covenant uses theos for “God”.
Yet these verses reveal that
YAHWEH is “God”, The Father.
theos in The New Covenant means the exact same thing.
It should also be translated as
YAHWEH in most instances. 

Luke 1:49 ...because The Powerful One 
has done magnificent things for me.
And set apart is His name.

John 20:31  But these are written in order that you might believe 
YAHUSHUA is The Messiah, The Son of YAHWEH
and that trusting you might have Life (eternal) by means of His Name.

James 3:9  With it we bless YAHWEHeven The Father
and with it we curse persons who have been made 
according to the likeness of

Lies and false writings

The warnings are many concerning the issue of altering YAHWEH’s Word.
Likewise, there are many warnings concerning false teachers and promoters of lies.
Here are a few of the verses that identify these issues:

Jer. 8:5-9 Why has this people of Yerushalaim 
turned back in a continual apostasy? 
They hold onto deception. 
They refuse to turn back. 
6 I have paid attention. 
And I have listened attentively. 
They do not speak what is right. 
No man is being sorry concerning his wrongdoing saying, 
‘What have I done?’ 
Everyone has turned back on their course 
like a horse rushing into battle. 
7 Even a stork in the skies knows her appointed times. 
And a turtledove, and a swallow, and a thrush 
guard the time itself  את of their goings. 
But My people do not know the right judgment of YAHWEH.

8 How can you say,  
‘We are wise, 
and The Torah of
YAHWEH is with us ourselves את’? 
Behold! The pen of the scribe 
has been prepared for the sake of lies. 
9 The wise will be put to shame. 
They will be shattered and captured. 
Behold! They have rejected the Word of
Then where is their wisdom?

Jer. 16:19-21 YAHWEH, my strength and my fortress 
and my refuge in the day of distress, 
the nations will come to You
 from the ends of the earth. 
And they will say, 
“Only lies have our forefathers inherited, emptiness, 
and there is no benefit in them!” 

20 Can a human being make for himself an elohim, 
but they are not elohim? 
21 For this reason behold! 
I am causing them to know!
At this time I will cause them to know 
My hand itself את
and My force itself את
And they will know that My Name is YAHWEH!”

Jer. 17:1 “The offense of Yahudah 
is inscribed with a pen of iron, 
engraved with the point of a diamond 
on the tablet of their hearts, 
and on the horns of your slaughter sites

Names of Other gods

Ex. 23:13  And in everything that I have said to you protect it. 
And the name of other mighty ones you are not to take note of. 
They are not to be heard from your mouth.

1Cor. 8:2-6  Now if anyone thinks he understands anything 
he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. 
But if anyone loves
YAHWEH this one is known by Him. 
Therefore, concerning the eating of things offered to idols, 
we understand that an idol is nothing in the world, 
and that no other elohim exists except one. 
Indeed, even if there are those described as deities, 
whether in the sky or on the ground, 
or even as there are many deities and many masters, 
on the other hand
for us there is one
YAHWEH, The Father, from whom all things exist, 
and we ourselves exist in Him; 
and one Master,  
YAHUSHUAThe Messiah, 
through whom all things
exist,  and we exist through Him.

There are a couple of other things to address before we conclude this article.
There is another name that does appear in Scripture.
In the KJV it appears as JAH.
In a few other translations it also appears as YAH.
The details on this are included below so you can understand what it represents.
Following that is a review of Isaiah 9:6,
which is often used as a basis for claiming God has other names.
The information presented speaks for itself.

JAH – Properly, YAH

JAH is a perversion of YAH. YAH is a variation, often considered to be a contraction, of YAHWEH.
The “J” presents a problem, since there is no “J” in Hebrew.
This is, therefore, an incorrect translation,
and this is well established in the literature. See 
Letter “J”.

Ps. 68:4   Sing to The Elohim!
Sing praises to His Name!
Exalt The One Who is riding in the deserts
by His Name,
And jump for joy before His face!

3050. ;hÎy Yahh, yaw; contraction for 3068, and meaning the same;
Jah, the sacred name

 —Jah, the Lord, most vehement. Compare names in “-iah,” “-jah.”
Note: This occurs only in Ps. 68.4 in the KJV. 

Special Case - Isaiah 9:6

Some will perhaps point to Isaiah 9.6 and claim there are other names for God.
However, this verse does not change the name of
, either one, nor does it really provide different names for them.

Shem really refers to a designation. It can refer to one’s character, or honor,
not just to one’s personal name.
That appears to be what’s indicated here – character.
The Name of
YAHWEH does not change, because YAHWEH does not change;
nor does the Name of YAHUSHUA, The Messiah (Jesus). 

Is. 9:6 - (Traditional translation) For unto us a child is born;
unto us a son is given: and the government (empire, kingdom, or rule)
will be upon His shoulder (neck):
and His
name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,
The Mighty God, Everlasting (Eternal) Father, Prince of Peace.

Now, read it as follows and see if this makes sense to you:

Is. 9.6 When a child is born to us, a son is given to us, 
then the dominion will be on His shoulder. 
And His designation will be called 
Wonder, Counselor, Mighty El, My Father for Eternity, Leader of Shalom.

None of these are names. Each describes an aspect of His character.
The definitions are given below so you can read them for yourself.
When you remember that the context of any verse
is crucial to its understanding this verse takes on a whole new meaning. 


4951. h∂rVcIm misrah, mis-raw´; from 8280; empire: —government.

Webster’s Dictionary: Empire = supreme rule; absolute power or authority; dominion

8280. h∂rDc sarah, saw-raw´; a primitive root; to prevail:
have power (as a prince).


7926. MRk◊v shkem, shek-em´; from 7925;
the neck (between the shoulders) as the place of burdens;
figuratively, the spur of a hill:
—back, x consent, portion, shoulder.

7925. MAkÎv shakam, shaw-kam´; a primitive root;
properly, to incline (the shoulder to a burden);
but used only as denominative from 7926;
literally, to load up (on the back of man or beast),
i.e. to start early in the morning:
- (arise, be up, get (oneself) up, rise up) early (betimes), morning.

M´v shem, shame; a primitive word
(perhaps rather from 7760 through the idea
of definite and conspicuous position; compare 8064);
an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality;
by implication
honor, authority, character:
— + base, (in-) fame (-ous), named (-d), renown, report.

a∂r∂q qara}, kaw-raw´; a primitive root (rather identical with 7122
through the idea of accosting a person met); to call out to
(i.e. properly, address by name, but used in a wide variety of applications):
—bewray (self), that are bidden, call (for, forth, self, upon), cry (unto),
(be) famous, guest, invite, mention, (give) name, preach,
(make) proclaim(-ation), pronounce, publish, read, renowned, say.

7122. a∂r∂q qara}, kaw-raw´; a primitive root:
to encounter, whether accidentally or in a hostile manner:
—befall, (by) chance, (cause to) come (upon), fall out, happen, meet.

Wonderful (a miracle), Counselor (advice, counsel),
mighty el (God - Mighty Warrior), everlasting (eternal) Father,
The Prince of Peace.

6382. aRlÚRp pele}, peh´-leh; from 6381; a miracle:
—marvelous thing, wonder(-ful, -fully).

6381. aDlÚpD•   pala}, paw-law´; a primitive root; properly,
perhaps to separate, i.e. distinguish (literally or figuratively);
by implication, to be (causatively, make) great, difficult, wonderful:
- accomplish, (arise...too, be too) hard, hidden, things too high,
(be, do, do a, show) marvelous(-ly, -els, things, work),
miracles, perform, separate, make singular,
(be, great, make) wonderful(-ers, -ly, things, works), wondrous (things, works, -ly).

3289. XAoÎy ya{ats, yaw-ats´; a primitive root; to advise; reflexively, to deliberate or resolve:
 — advertise, take advise, advise (well), consult, (give, take) counsel(-lor),
determine, devise, guide, purpose. 

410. lEa }el, ale; shortened from 352; strength;
as adjective,
mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity):
—God (god), x goodly, x great, idol, might(-y one), power, strong. Compare names in “-el.”

1368. rwø;b…ˆg gibbowr, ghib-bore´; or (shortened) r;Ob…ˆg gibbor, ghib-bore´;
 ntensive from the same as 1397; powerful; by implication, warrior, tyrant:
—champion, chief, x excel, giant, man, mighty (man, one), strong (man), valiant man.

1397. rRb…‰Rg geber, gheh´-ber; from 1396; properly, a valiant man or warrior;
generally, a person simply: - every one, man, x mighty. 

5703. dAo {ad,ad; from 5710; properly, a (peremptory) terminus,
i.e. (by implication) duration, in the sense of advance or perpetuity
(substantially as a noun, either with or without a preposition):
—eternity, ever(-lasting, -more), old, perpetually, + world without end.

5710. h∂dDo {adah, aw-daw´; a primitive root; to advance,
i.e. pass on or continue
; causatively, to remove;
specifically, to bedeck (i.e. bring an ornament upon):
 - adorn, deck (self), pass by, take away.

1. bDa }ab, awb; a primitive word;
father, in a literal and immediate, or figurative and remote application):
—chief, (fore-) father(-less), x patrimony, principal. Compare names in “Abi-”. 

8269. rAc sar, sar; from 8323; a head person (of any rank or class):
—captain (that had rule), chief (captain), general, governor, keeper, lord,
((-task-))master, prince(-ipal), ruler, steward.
 (A KING is the chief ruler of a kingdom or empire)

8323. rArDc sarar, saw-rar´; a primitive root; to have (transitively, exercise; reflexively, get) dominion:
—x altogether, make self a prince, (bear) rule.

7965. MwølÎv shalowm, shaw-lome´; or MølÎv shalom, shaw-lome´;
 rom 7999; safe, i.e. (figuratively) well, happy, friendly;
also (abstractly) welfare, i.e. health, prosperity, peace:
—x do, familiar, x fare, favor, + friend, x great, (good) health,
(x perfect, such as be at) peace (-able, -ably), prosper(-ity, -ous),
rest, safe(-ty), salute, welfare, (x all is, be) well, x wholly.

7999. MAlÎv shalam, shaw-lam´; a primitive root; to be safe
 in mind, body or estate); figuratively, to be (causatively, make) completed;
by implication, to be friendly; by extension, to reciprocate (in various applications):
—make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give again, make good, (re-)pay (again),
(make) (to) (be at) peace(-able), that is perfect, perform,
(make) prosper(-ous), recompense, render, requite,
make restitution, restore, reward, x surely. 

At this point it should be abundantly clear to you
that Christians and "
Jews" alike have been given
some very
misleading and confusing information.
It’s time to correct these things. It's time to proclaim the Name of
and that of His Son,
YAHUSHUA, clearly and accurately.
This needs to begin with the family of
Please go to 
Bible Errors for more detail on this very important matter.

The time has come for every person who claims to believe in “God”
to take personal responsibility for what they believe.
(This has really always been the case.)
There is simply no good reason today for ignorance of
the Truth.
We have available to us all the tools we need
to rediscover what The Word of
YAHWEH says to us.
It’s time to use those tools and time to dispel 
the myths of tradition

                      May His NAME, YAHWEH, be honored and praised for all eternity!

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May YAHWEH speak to your heart and bless you with understanding as you explore His Word.